Day 1: Bioanalysis of Today

Co-Chairs: Matthew Albertolle and Valerie Kramlinger

Practical Considerations in Preclinical ADC Bioanalysis

image Linlin Dong, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA, USA

Bioanalysis of Anti-body Oligonucleotide Conjugates

image Long Yuan, Biogen, Cambridge, MA, USA

Regulated Bioanalytical Support for ADC Drug Development

image Jian Chen, BMS, Summit, NJ, USA

Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetics Meets Quantitative Protein Mass Spectrometry for Mechanistic Modeling of Target-mediated Drug Disposition (TMDD)

image Armin SeppCertara, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Introduction and Overview of Antibody Drug Conjugates
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Practical Considerations in Preclinical ADC Bioanalysis
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Bioanalysis of Antibody-Oligonucleotide Conjugates
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Regulated Bioanalytical Support for ADC Drug Development
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetics Meets Quantitative Protein Mass Spectrometry for Mechanistic Modeling of Target-Mediated Drug Disposition (TMDD)
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/13/2024  |  60 minutes
Expert Panel Discussion
Recorded 11/20/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/20/2024  |  60 minutes