Multidisciplinary View of Modeling and Simulation: Fundamentals, Case Examples, and Future Directions | An ISSX 2023 Virtual Short Course Event
- Non-member - $300
- Member - $200
- Student - $75
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This course was developed by the ISSX Modeling and Simulation Focus Group and was moderated by Maria Posada, Ph.D., Eli Lilly and Company, USA, Oliver Hatley, Ph.D., Certara UK, United Kingdom, and Jaydeep Yadav, Ph.D. Merck, USA.
This short course focuses on the fundamentals of modeling and simulation, spanning several modeling disciplines, including PBPK, QSP, PopPK and Biopharmaceutics, (small molecules, peptides, proteins, or new modalities). The course includes the fundamentals for beginners, advancement, and application, as well as case examples.
SC 1.1 Principles of Population PKPD Modeling
Stacey Tannenbaum, Ph.D., Metrum Research Group, USA
SC 1.2 Informing Drug Discovery and Development using Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Approaches
Jason Chan, Ph.D., Eli Lilly and Company, USA
SC 1.3 PBPK Modelling of Drug-Drug Interactions – Challenges and Opportunities
Aleksandra Galetin, Ph.D., University of Manchester, United Kingdom
SC 1.4 Physiologically Based Mechanistic Oral Absorption Modeling
Kazuko Sagawa, Ph.D., Pfizer, USA